Tuesday, 23rd 'Late nights do not suit me. Try to think I look interestingly haggard but have to admit that Unkempt Blowsiness is fitter description' Way before that city slicker, Bridget Jones, there was the Provincial Daughter -- an intelligent woman juggling too little money with too many kids in rural obscurity. In between taking deliveries of coal and attending ghastly provincial parties, our heroine makes tentative forays into the bright lights of London, seeking literary fame and fortune.
“I didn't call you here, my impudent daughter, to conduct my examination of conscience.” The Provincial looked over half-moon reading glasses. “And the last I've heard, you're not my confessor!” Sister Katherine had gotten under the ...
It had an honorable antiquity , first appearing about the year 1180 with one John de Logan , who married a daughter of Tankard , a Flemish settler in Lanark , the charter from Tankard's son for land in frankmarriage with his sister ...
Theigoo aboute be viij. or nyne, And done the husbondes myculle pyne. MS. Cantab. Ff. v 48, f. 48. Hwo haveth helle dure unloke, That thu art of pyne i-broke. MS. Coll. Jes. Oxon. I. 29. (2) To torment; to torture.
Neny, daughter of Khuyt (CG 20313) Nethedjet, Asiatic woman (CG 20549) Netnebu, 'lady of the house', wife of the governor Nakhti (BM EA143) Netnebu, wife of Nakhti (Chicago, Field Museum 31672) Neni, daughter of Muthetep (CG 20681) Nun, ...