Corporate secretaryship is concerned with the procedures and best practice necessary to ensure compliance with the legal and regulatory framework within which companies operate. This guide looks at this wide-ranging field in detail, with coverage of all core company secretarial functions, including: company formation, compliance and reporting, corporate governance, meetings and share registration and dealing. It also covers the particular regulations governing listed companies. Each title in the ICSA Professional Development Series is a self-contained unit, covering the essentials the subject in a concise, easily digestible format. Topic coverage is comprehensive, and the books also include a number of features to reinforce understanding, and additional reference tools such as glossaries of key terms and directories of further reading and internet resources.
For his company, Hollinger International (through which he controlled The Daily Telegraph), Lord Black assembled a board of directors including former US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, senior official with Ronald Reagan, ...
A guide to over ... international nonprofit membership organizations including multinational and binational groups, and national organizations based outside the United States, concerned with all subjects or areas of activity.
He is a regular seminar and conference speaker on company and employment law and personal skills,and has written ... He is the series editor for ICSA's One Stop series for which he wrote the Company Secretary, Personnel, Director, ...
BPP Learning Media's status as official ACCA Approved Learning Provider - Content means our DipIFR Study Texts and Practice & Revision Kits are reviewed by the ACCA examining team.
Editmaster offers expertise in the following areas: research, report-writing, translation, editing, proof-reading, indexing, design, picture research and ... Companies: UK: Acupunctuation Ltd Writing, rewriting, editing, proofreading.
It also includes a special addendum with tips on how to get the annual report done while working remotely. This book is a must-read for any company secretary, and any corporate reporter. What is new in the 2021 edition?
This guide covers the 7000 national associations, chambers of commerce, confederations, federations, institutes, societies and trade unions in all fields of activity. Amongst the information listed is: full name and...
Directory of British Associations & Associations in Ireland
Covers how to develop and use test questions and other assessments that reveal how well students can analyze, reason, solve problems, and think creatively.
This sixth peer review of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance analyses the corporate governance framework and practices relating to corporate risk management, in the private sector and in state-owned enterprises.