A macabre look at our fascination with death and tragedy in song.
Compiled and written by leading prehistorians and archaeologists, this volume traces the emergence of death as a concept in early times, as well as a contributing factor to the formation of communities and social hierarchies, and sometimes ...
Computer, identify ceremony and language on disc.” Working . . . Ceremony is Catholic Requiem Mass or Mass for the Dead. Language is Latin. This section depicts offertory chant and ritual in which— “That's enough.
On July 19 he was invalided sick to England and the Ontario Military Hospital in Orpington , Kent , which had been established by the Ontario government . Arthur spent the summer in the hospital in England .
In Britain, these 'death discs' were often banned by the BBC due to their morbid subject matter – which, of course, only made them sell all the better. Soon, singers were trying to outdo each other with ever more bizarre situations ...
In Lieutenant Basil Rathbone's case, it was a foreboding one step removed. Rathbone, later the Hollywood actor best remembered for his role as Sherlock Holmes, served in the Great War as an officer in the King's Liverpool Regiment.
12 ) , where Thesan pursues , rather than abducts , the reluctant nude youth , and an example ( Pl . 109 ) from Praeneste , dated to the mid - fourth century ( Brussels , Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire , Musée du Cinquantenaire ...
Themes of death found in folk and country music eventually made their way into rock 'n' roll in the form of “teenage tragedies” (a.k.a. “death discs” and “splatter platters”), which trended in the late 1950s and early 1960s, ...
London: C. Arthur Pearson, 1916 Hagemann, Karen and Schüler-Springorum, Stefanie, eds. Home Front: The Military, War and Gender in Twentieth Century Germany. Oxford: Berg, 2002 Harris, Carol. Women at War: 1939–45.
Number One In Heaven is the bible of pop's dead - the ultimate record of all those who arrived, rocked and pegged-out over the last forty-odd years of fast cars, private jets, hard drugs, lethal weapons and reckless living.
“You Know Me” isa song written to sound like it was being sung byan Elvis who faked his death. NUELVIS was really singer Charles Alan Rowe,who later recorded afar inferior remake. “You Know Me” (a.k.a.“I'm Alive and I'm Free”)was a ...