Drawing on evidence from Irish national household surveys in 1987 and 1994 and Census of Population data from 1986 and 1991, this study attempts to answer these questions. It examines the underlying assumptions regarding the way in which household and spatial factors combine to create patterns of cumulative disadvantage. It explores what types of areas have particularly high rates of poverty, the extent to which people living in poverty or who are disadvantaged are concentrated in particular areas and whether such patterns have changed over time. The study makes an important contribution to the understanding of the spatial dimensions of poverty and disadvantage. It is particularly relevant in the context of the National Anti-Poverty Strategy, the national emphasis on area-based strategies to tackle unemployment and disadvantage and the reform of local government.
It pays for poor households to participate actively in local associations. At low incomes, the returns to social capital are higher than returns to human capital. At higher incomes, the reverse is true.
Poor Women, Poor Families: The Economic Plight of America's Female-headed Households
The Working Poor in India: Employment-poverty Linkages and Employment Policy Options
PROGRESA is one of the Mexican government's major programs aimed at developing the human capital of poor households.
This work represents IFPRI's first comprehensive analysis of the longitudinal data on 800 households collected between 1986 and 1989 in Pakistan.
This edition explores issues related to poverty in America. Article topics include whether or not poverty is a growing problem in the United Sates, its causes, and ways to reduce poverty for Americans.
American Incomes and Poverty at Labor Day 1992: Hearing Before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, One...
Using data from the Living in Ireland Panel surveys from 1994 to 2000, examines households without anyone in employment.
Many governments in developing countries, donors, and nongovernmental organizations have been trying to use their resources in ways that steer the benefits towards poor people. Sharp discontinuities exist between poor...
Gale, William G., J. Mark Iwry, and Peter R. Orszag. 2005. “The Automatic 401(k): A ... Gorham, Lucy S., Roberto G. Quercia, William M. Rohe, and Jonathan R. Toppen. 2002. ... Gross, Tal, Matthew J. Notowidigdo, and Jialan Wang. 2012.