Explaining Church teaching on homosexuality.
I knew I had fallen for Leslie and that I needed to tell her. ... As Leslie would later describe it, I stepped back but not away. ... (I'm smiling!) A New Relationship We went on our first real date 78 Leaving Homosexuality.
Khaled El-Rouayheb argues that this apparent paradox is based on the anachronistic assumption that homosexuality is a timeless, self-evident fact to which a particular culture reacts with some degree of tolerance or intolerance.
In light of modern changes in attitude regarding homosexuality, and recent controversy surrounding Government legislation, Orthodox Rabbi Chaim Rapoport, Chief Medical Advisor in the Cabinet of the Chief Rabbi of...
The result is A Natural History of Homosexuality, a generous work that synthesizes research in biology, history, psychology, and politics to explain how homosexuality has been understood and defined from ancient times until the present.
Offers practical guidance for Christians who have gay friends, family members, or who struggle with their own sexuality.
: The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse help us face questions surrounding the issue of homosexuality squarely and honestly, examining how scientific research has been used within ...
. . . This book is exceptionally readable. . . . [they] are to be particularly commended for their editorial expertise." --Contemporary Psychology "Gonsiorek and Weinrich′s book is a gem!
An unprecedented work from the brilliant young editor of The New Republic--who is celebrated also as an incisive defender of the equality of homosexuals--Virtually Normal is an impassioned, reasoned, subtle, and uncompromising political and ...
Those holding a traditional view still struggle to reconcile the Bible’s prohibition of same-sex attraction with the message of radical, unconditional grace. This book meets that need.
The balanced treatment of the issues and the contrasting insights of the essays make this a valuable resource for reflection individually or in groups.