During the six years of World War II the science of aviation advanced more rapidly than in any other similar period in history. From that forcing-house of development, five types of aircraft emerged as the truly outstanding combat planes of the era. The stories of their evolution and subsequent combat careers are the subjects of this volume.
Describes the aircraft of World War II.
Great Aircraft Guide of Wwii
This work deals with the many aspects of the US Army Air Force's organization and equipment in World War II. It includes everything from global strategies to command structures, flight training to combat aircraft, uniforms and equipment to ...
"This colourful and compact volume provides a useful guide to some 120 aircraaft that served with the US Air Force from 1939-45.
This book will lead you through the chronological history of this classic aircraft and its involvement in World War II, including details of how the Messerschmitt 109 delivered a series of high-speed diving attacks to break up the enemy ...
This is a guide to the existing WWII aircraft to be found in aviation museums throughout the world.
Featuring full-colour artwork to aid recognition, as well as all the details you need to assess their performance, this is the perfect pocket guide to the Allied and Axis fighters of World War II.
Identifies more than four hundred private, commercial, and military aircraft, and briefly describes the history and characteristics of each.
Illustrated text describes the warplanes of the US Air Force during World War II.
This pilot's flight operating handbook, for the Model IIa and IIb, was originally produced by the Royal Air Force during World War II. It has been slightly reformatted but is reproduced in its entirety.