The Flower Boy is a deeply moving and enchanting novel - a story of love, town secrets and family divisions. Lizzie Buckwater is born on a stormy night into a household nestled in Glencairn, on the lush tea estates of 1930s Ceylon. As Chandi, a little servant boy, plays in the mud outside on this fourth birthday, he promises himself that the English baby will become his best friend. He christens her Rose Lizzie after the flowers he loves, and the bright, perceptive boy soon forges the most important friendship of his life. As Chandi and Rose Lizzie's closeness grows, so their two families - English and Ceylonese, master and servant - become entwined. And with the approach of Ceylonese independence the whole idyll faces destruction.
The Flower Boy
Flower Boy Wedding Coloring Book These Wedding Party Coloring Pages are the perfect way to celebrate the upcoming wedding day.
A bilingual book in Japanese & English by KEVIN WOODSON and MATTHEW MATSUYAMA.
This is not meant to be easily digested.
A self-published book of teenage angst. It's mediocre poetry, honestly. A short and easy book, published solely to fulfill the author's dreams.
Jarvis offers a moving tale of friendship, kindness, and acceptance, softly touching on the subjects of illness or hardship in a way that young children can understand. Everyone likes David, the boy with flowers in his hair.
Flower Boy Wedding Coloring Book These Wedding Party Coloring Pages are the perfect way to celebrate the upcoming wedding day.
This text is sweet, and soft, and everyone who opens it can find the special personality traits of individuals born in their month revealed.
Through her deep pride in her roots and her unshakeable spirit, the world came to recognize the beauty and strength of her people. The book includes an author’s note, timeline, glossary, and bibliography.