The Tempest and its Travels offers a new map of the play by means of an innovative collection of historical, critical, and creative texts and images.
Presents William Shakespeare's "The Tempest" and includes excerpts from its sources, eighteen works of criticism by writers ranging from John Dryden to Barbara Fuchs, and seventeen works based on the play by such authors as Percy Shelley ...
(2000) “The Mediterranean and Shakespeare's Geopolitical Imagination”, in PeterHulme and William H.Sherman (eds), The Tempest and Its Travels, London: ReaktionBooks, 121–30. Hulme, Peter(1986) Colonial Encounters: Europe andthe Native ...
Praise for Hag-Seed “What makes the book thrilling, and hugely pleasurable, is how closely Atwood hews to Shakespeare even as she casts her own potent charms, rap-composition included. . .
The ear is unable to definitively separate the closely pitched tones, although the slight deviation in the waves' amplitude (caused by the slight difference in the source of origination) is produced at a ...
158 Alden T. Vaughan, 'Trinculo's Indians: American Natives in Shakespeare's England', in The Tempest and its Travels, edited by Peter Hulme and William H. Sherman (Philadelphia, 2000), pp. 49–59. 159 John Gillies, 'Shakespeare's ...
This book challenges a longstanding and deeply ingrained belief in Shakespearean studies that The Tempest--long supposed to be Shakespeare's last play--was not written until 1611.
... annual Shakespeare Survey and will find two volumes by Alden and Virginia Vaughan, and Hulme and Sherman's 'The Tempest' and Its Travels, full of important insights into the critical, scholarly, and theatrical fortunes of the play.
In this guide, Alden T. Vaughan and Virginia Mason Vaughan open up new ways into one of Shakespeare's most popular, malleable and controversial plays.
Alden T. Waughan and Virginia Mason Vaughan, Shakespeare's Caliban: A Cultural History (1991), p. 180. Vaughan and Vaughan, Shakespeare's Caliban, p. 181. John Russell Brown, Shakespeare's Plays in Performance (1966), p. 109.
Readers are first introduced to the play with a dramatic analysis that situates the work within Shakespeare's canon and within the romantic tradition.