"This book describes how, after the end of World War II, powerful corporations began to lobby governments in an effort to reduce the perceived constraints of regulation. Since the 1970s these voices have become increasingly influential, as governments worldwide have adopted free-market policies, reduced economic regulation and promoted the virtues of free-enterprise capitalism." "The Global Economic System since 1945 presents a fresh synthesis of economic history and theory. For the specialist, it will provide a useful reminder that the economy needs to be looked at from different angles, while the general reader will find a fascinating and impartial description of the current state of the global economy - as well as hints on what to look for when scanning the economic horizon for signs of inclement weather."--BOOK JACKET.
In this volume Catherine Schenk outlines these huge changes, examines how the world’s economic leaders have tried to organise and influence the international economy and presents the key frameworks in which international economic ...
In The International Economy Since 1945, Sidney Pollard describes the most important global developments in economics during the last half century.
Assuming no prior knowledge of economics the book is suited for use in inter-disciplinary development studies programmes as well as economics courses, and will also interest practitioners pursuing careers in developing countries.
Combining these different perspectives, volume editor Akira Iriye presents a model of transnational historiography in which individuals and groups enter history not primarily as citizens of a country but as migrants, tourists, artists, and ...
Securing the World Economy explains how efforts to support global capitalism became a core objective of the League of Nations.
This second edition has been updated to include an assessment of economic relations up to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is globalization. In the fifth edition of his bestselling Very Short Introduction Manfred B. Steger considers the major dimensions of globalization: economic, political, cultural, ideological, and ecological.
This is not easy. That is why Klaus Schwab's new book is an essential guide.
The Global Economic Prospects is a World Bank Group Flagship Report that examines global economic developments and prospects, with a special focus on emerging market and developing economies, on a semiannual basis (in January and June).
This is the United Nations definitive report on the state of the world economy, providing global and regional economic outlook for 2020 and 2021.