For many years Letterland has led children to skillful reading, accurate spelling and a love of literacy. Now this sequel Step-by-Step Letterland Guide provides fresh support for your children's second school year in their journey to full literacy.
... E TG CD 2 Rhyming Pictures: cat, bat, _ _ _ ' hat, rat, nap, Cap, map, tap, 'Handwriting Review' with whole class or small groups Q PCCs: a, c, m, n, p, t; Rime Cards: at, up Play 'Guess Who?' with all PCCs and Rime Cards or use TG ...
Ask the children to recall and repeat what Talking Tess says to Harry Hat Man, “There, there, it's only the thunder.” We know one sound for these letters already. We can hear it at the beginning of the words there and the.
Filled with 156 fun activities designed to equip boys and girls for school success, this unique little book can show you how to help your child lay the foundation for developing healthy friendships and a love for God.
The TeacherÕs Manual, in two volumes, contains all the Being a Writer lessons for Kindergarten, for each genre unit.
The Creative Curriculum comes alive!
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
Is designed to help the teacher make informed instructional decisions and track students' reading comprehension and social development as they teach the Making Meaning lesson. Consumable.
Focusing on research-based, developmentally appropriate practices, this book shows teachers how to help young children reach standards through creative play activities that ignite their enthusiasm to learn.
The Trainer's Guide has several tools to help one to create a comprehensive staff development plan for your program, including creating a shared vision, determining training needs, using the Implementation Checklist, and using learning ...
This book is part of an art curriculum written from a Reformed, Christian perspective.