The Geological Survey's 1907 Memoir 'The Geological Structure of the North-West Highlands of Scotland' outlined many of the principles of field-based structural and tectonic analysis that have subsequently guided generations of geologists working in other mountain belts, both ancient and modern. These 32 papers celebrate the centenary of the 1907 Memoir by placing the original findings in both historical and modern contexts, and juxtaposing them against present-day studies of deformation processes operating not only in the NW Highlands, but also in other mountain belts.
Radon is a radioactive gas of geologic origin that is an environmental concern because of its link to lung cancer.
Harrison , T.M. , Ryerson , F.J. , Le Fort , P. , Yin , A. , Lovera , O.M. & Catlos , E. ) . , 1997a . A Late Miocene - Pliocene origin for central Himalayan inverted metamorphism . Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 146 , E1 - E8 .
Deszcz - Pan , M. , Rodriguez , B.D. , Doucette , J.P. , Godbout , M. , Williams , J.M. , Sawyer , D.A. , Stone , B.D. , and Grauch , V.J.S. , 2000 , Digital airborne time domain electromagnetic data ...
"Palaeogeographic reconstructions of the Australian and Antarctic margins based on matching basement structures are commonly difficult to reconcile with those derived from ocean floor magnetic anomalies and plate vectors.
Tectonic Evolution of the Sarektjåkkå Nappe, Northern Swedish Caledonides
Indoor-radon levels in the Beaver basin of southwestern Utah are the highest recorded to date in Utah.
In this volume, Patrick Nunn outlines how each of the main island groups originated then gives detailed accounts - much from his own research -- - of islands in Fiji, Samoa and Tonga.