Blending oral history with historical records, A Place of Their Own tells the story of the men and women of War Service Land Settlement at Loxton in South Australia's Riverland.
A Place of Their Own: Creating the Deaf Community in America
A book about craft that is itself beautifully crafted, linking the world of the body and material things with the realm of mind, heart, and spirit, "A Place of My Own has received extraordinary praise: --> "From the Trade Paperback edition.
Thompson, Lewis, and McEntire, “Atlanta and Birmingham,” 45–46. 63. “Whites Protest Re-zoning Move for Negro Housing,” Atlanta Daily World, January 19, 1950, 1; “Fulton Commissioners Approve Plan for Negro Housing Units,” ibid., ...
This beautifully illustrated book tells an important story about female education during decades of dramatic change in America.
SAMS LOCAL 11-5-2005 $19.99.
Her tears were wiped away by Mary with the lace frill of the spare-room pillow and forgiver and forgiven cuddled down together again, harmony restored, to watch the shadows of the vine leaves on the moonlit wall until they fell asleep.
. This is a smart, respectful and compelling book." —Jason DeParle, The New York Times Book Review When Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election, a bewildered nation turned to Strangers in Their Own Land to understand what Trump ...
In addition to their own blend of passionate and compassionate diva dialogue, the four writers quote devoted pet owners, clergy, friends, family, and even those who just aren’t “pet people.” From the variety of perspectives and ...
The texts which comprise this small book - forms of essay, talk, dialogue - at one time saw themselves as individualists who went somewhere (to small press magazines) on their own.
A magical pair of boots transports Johan, Hana, Ratheena, and Sami to wonderful, comfortable places.