"In this book, Walzak, Collura and Vidotto bring together an invited collection of writing from emerging scholars about sport, sport media and equity. Authors span from undergraduates and Masters students to doctoral candidates. All are passionate and excited about the possibilities for equity and radical change that needs to happen across the sport and sport media landscape to make sports truly equitable. This collection reflects the authors' investments and interest in sports. Each author investigates and reflects on a key social justice issue related to sport and sport media. The authors turn to social media, traditional broadcast, and personal experiences to explore their areas of interest. The content in this book ranges from exploring and analyzing an individual athlete to Muslim Sportswomen, leagues and teams, to autobiographical narratives. This critical social justice scholarship in sport and sport media offers a critique by young academics who are interested in pushing the status quo and shaking up the historical, social-cultural, and political foundations of sports locally, nationally, and globally"--
By 1896 the school had begun playing a regular college - level schedule , and in 1899 it hired legendary coach Glenn S. " Pop " Warner ( Witmer 1993 , 43-47 ) . During these years , Carlisle's football team gained national recognition ...
The Rise and Fall of the Color Line in Southern College Sports, 1890-1980 Charles H. Martin ... of 1969 Bill Pace finally awarded the school's first football scholarship to an African American, Taylor Stokes of Clarksville, Tennessee.
Le sport est un vecteur extraordinaire pour la promotion des valeurs de compréhension et de dialogue interculturels, pour l'avancement de l'inclusion sociale et la défense de l'égalité des genres.
Forming a hockey team to win a bet against male rivals, Tara enlists the help of a former hockey star and coach (who is also a nun) and finds the team's efforts challenged by limited ice time and local support for the boys.
Exploring Issues of Diversity and Inclusion in World Wrestling Entertainment Lowery A. Woodall III ... John Grasso describes Wagner's character as “effeminate” in his Historical Dictionary of Wrestling entry.5 While writing a career ...
Part of the Game?: An Examination of Racism in Grass Roots Football
"The story of the convergence of Washington Redskins owner George Preston Marshall, resisting integration as the last holdout in football and in pro sports, with the major changes that took place in the NFL from 1958 through 1962"-- $c ...
Forgotten Heroes: A History of Black Rugby, 1882-1992