This text deals with discrimination directed at those excluded from full participation in sport and the consequent struggle through sport for inclusion, recognition and respect.
This is the first book to offer a comprehensive survey of the full sweep of approaches to the study of sport, race and ethnicity.
This book brings together leading researchers from around the world to examine key questions around ‘race’, ethnicity and racism in sports coaching.
This international collection of critical essays provides compelling insight into the lived realities of ethnic 'Other' females in sport.
This book was published as a special issue of Sport and Society.
This book sets out to challenge many of the voluntarist racist cherished beliefs surrounding sport.
Oxford: Blackwell. Glenn, D. (2003) 'Searching for Respect: Richard Sennett's Latest Work Examines the Costs of Meritocracy', The Chronicle ofHigher Education, Section: Research & Publishing, 49 (18): A12. Gobineau, A. de (1856) The ...
Examines the ethnic experience in North America through the unique lens of the history of sports, utilizing original research.
Traces the development of athletics in the United States by examining the sporting experience of Native Americans, African Americans and the immigrant groups of the United States from Colonial times to the present.
Contrary to the popular belief that sport is an arena largely free from the corrosive effects of racism, this book argues that racism is evident throughout British sport.