Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship English Comprehension Tests

Excel Selective Schools and Scholarship English Comprehension Tests
Juvenile Nonfiction
Pascal Press
Alan Horsfield


Excel Test Skills - Selective Schools and Scholarship Englis h Comprehension Tests Years 5-6 is a comprehensive study guide for Engli sh Comprehension part of the Selective Schools and Scholarship Tests (us ually undertaken in Year 6). The book contains hundreds of multiple choi ce questions based on a variety of text types - so students can pr epare for exams with a minimum of stress and maximum results. Thi s book is intended to give you the opportunity of doing a variety of que stions based on literary and factual texts. The more familiar you are wi th the material the more confident you will feel - and the better you wi ll do in your tests. In this book your child will find: an introductory section on the types of questions and resource mater ial used forty-eight individual comprehension tests ti ps to help them in tests situations a convenient lift-out answe r section with explanations

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