Excel Basic Skills: Multiplication and Division Year 3&ndash ;4 is designed to make students feel confident in the basic processes of multiplication and division of whole numbers. It will help to satisfy t he needs of slow learners, and provide enrichment opportunity for quicke r learners. Mathematics is a highly important subject in our scho ol syllabus. It is the study of numbers - which surround us everywhere i n our lives. Although computers and calculators have become the order of the day and are quite handy, the human mind controls it all. Whatever w e put into the mind during the initial stages and the formative years of the child is extremely important and most significant for the years to come. This book concentrates on the core concepts involved in div iding and multiplying numbers up to 100. Students are shown how to set o ut problems, how to round numbers and how to work with remainders. The a ctivities give a solid revision in the times tables, and reinforce the c orrect order of operations to follow in longer problems. Features of this book include: Eight self-contained, carefully grad ed units Hundreds of practice exercises Quick question s and revision pages to stay in touch with previous work Diagno stic and mastery tests to measure student's knowledge A life-ou t answer section.
SUMMARY: Language experiences to develop division concepts. Books are read and discussed before children translate the stories into number sentences on cards.
Arrays and Shares: Multiplication and Division
Packages and Groups: Multiplication and Division
INVESTIGATIONS IN NUMBER , DATA , AND SPACER Principal Investigator Susan Jo Russell Co - Principal Investigator Cornelia Tierney Director of Research and Evaluation Jan Mokros CONTENTS About the Investigations Curriculum How to Use ...
multiplication and division Karen Economopoulos, Cornelia C. Tierney, Susan Jo Russell. ARRAY CARDS (page 9 of 1 7) Investigation 2 • Resource ARRAY CARDS (page 1 0 of 1 7) Investigation 2 1 Pearson Education, Inc. Arrays and Shares 90.
Presents a five-week unit of instruction for helping children construct their own understanding of division.
Packages and Groups: Multiplication and Division : Grade 4 : Also Appropriate for Grade 5
Master Your Tables
Master Your Tables
Focuses on developing mental acuity and fluidity with the concepts of divisor, divident, quotient and remainder.