This work addresses corruption in politics and the public services, arguing that corrupt public officials should be exposed, prosecuted and gaoled, just like their colleagues in the private sector. It covers ethical standards in the public service, both state and federal; the practice of government; the relationships between officials; their advisors and the public; the interplay between politics and personal behaviour, and offering explanations as to what can be done about corruption in public service through asking questions like; how does corruption gain a foothold in public affairs?; how can public trust be rebuilt between bureaucrats, the politicians and the people who vote for them?; and how can we improve accoutability over the cover-ups?
14.877, m.P.: maría Elena Giraldo Gómez. Consejo de Estado, Sala delo Contencioso Administrativo, Sección tercera. Auto del 16 de marzo de 2005, exp. 24.187, m.P.: Alier Eduardo Hernández Enríquez. Consejo de Estado, Sala delo ...
Suing Government: Citizen Remedies for Official Wrongs
Morton R. DAVIES , « Public Accountability in the United Kingdom » , Public Service Accountability . A Comparative Perspective ( Joseph G. Jabbra et O.P. Dwivedi , dir . ) , West Hartford , Kumarian Press Inc. , 1989 , p .
Charities large and small must account to the public for the vast funds entrusted to the sector. This book offers a simple, yet comprehensive, working manual for trustees with topics not provided by existing publications.
Improbidade administrativa e violação de princípios
“Desarrollo Económico y reformas judiciales en américa Latina”, en Contribuciones, vol. ... Una defensa del bien común desde la teoría económica de la justicia distributiva, bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2012.
“Desarrollo Económico y reformas judiciales en américa Latina”, en Contribuciones, vol. ... Una defensa del bien común desde la teoría económica de la justicia distributiva, bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2012.
Regulating the Behaviour of Ministers, Special Advisers and Civil Servants
Suing Government: Citizen Remedies for Official Wrongs