Ruth Lynford: My Life in Design

Ruth Lynford: My Life in Design
Architecture, Domestic
Images Publishing
Marlene Ann Birkman


Ruth Lynford, President of Lynford Limited in New York, is inspired by design. After graduating in architecture from Washington University in St. Louis in 1946, Ruth set out for Manhattan with her first husband, Franklyn. She joined a leading architectural firm but quickly encountered prejudice as a woman in a male profession. Ruth then broke stride and stepped into interior design, which was then in its infancy. This is the story of a trailblazer, who dared to be different. Through images and personal reflections, this book invites its audience to experience Ruth Lynford's lively coming of age as a person and a professional. Her ongoing journey is one of grit and glamour. From her childhood in South St. Louis on Bamberger Avenue, to her adult life on Fifth Avenue in New York, readers will see her imagination, talent and charisma emerge. Differing from other books about architects and designers, this narrative reveals the interior life of an interior designer.

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