The fully updated fourth edition of this widely-used overview of industrial relations practices around the world.
Comparative Industrial Relations: An Introduction to Cross-national Perspectives
Study Guide to Accompany Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy
Since the introduction of structural adjustment policies in the 1980s, the ILO has expressed concern that their implementation should be consistent with basic ILO standards, particularly certain core human rights conventions.
Comprises 19 essays grouped under five themes: Foreign direct investment strategies and industrial relations systems; Multinational company human resource management and labour relations strategies; Transnational union strategies; ...
Thoroughly updated and revised by a team of international experts, this fifth edition continues to be the most authoritative and accessible overview of industrial relations practices around the world.
This comprehensive study examines how labour administrations are coping with globalization, modernization, and political and financial constraints while also contributing to the economic and social development of their countries.
This book introduces students to issues in managing the human aspects of international organisations.
This fourteenth edition presents updated data throughout and a wealth of new examples, such as the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns, gig work, nudges, monopsony power, and the effect of machine learning on inequality.