The Mfecane Aftermath investigates the very nature of historical debate and examines the uncertain foundations of much of the previous historiography.
The Mfecane Aftermath: Credulity and Skepticism in Southern African Historical Debates
The Mfecane: An Annotated Bibliography
The Mfecane Aftermath, p. 125. J. Wright, 'Political Transformation in the Thukela-Mzimkhulu Region in the late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries', in C. Hamilton (ed.), The Mfecane Aftermath, pp. 165-81.
Wright , “ Political Transformations in the Thukela - Mzimkhulu Region of Natal , ” in Mfecane Aftermath , ed . Hamilton ; Wright , “ Dynamics of Power and Conflict , ” Ph.D. , 39 , 42 , 55 , 209 , 259–60 .
London: Hurst. Lacoste, Y. A. Nouschi and A. Prenant. 1960. L'Algérie: passé et présent. Le cadre et les étapes de la constitution de l'Algérie actuelle. Paris: Editions sociales. Laroui, A. 1970. L'histoire du Maghreb.
As a result, Faku: Rulership and Colonialism in the Mpondo Kingdom (c.1780-1867) helps illuminate the history of the entire Cape region.
“'The Aftermath of the Aftermath'—Contribution to the Colloquium, 'The Mfecane Aftermath': Towards a New Paradigm.” South African Historical Journal 25 (1991): 154—162. Etherington, Norman. “The Great Trek in Relation to the Mfecane: A ...
In contrast to recent literary analyses of myths of Shaka, this book uses the richness of Zulu oral traditions and a comprehensive body of written sources to provide a compelling narrative and analysis of the events and people of the era of ...
Brown, M. (2008) Bannockburn: The Scottish Wars and the British Isles 1307–1323. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. DeVries, K. (1996) Infantry Warfare in the Early Fourteenth Century. Woodbridge: Boydell.
1995 Hunter-Gathers, Traders and Slaves: The “Mfecane” Impact on Bushman, Their Ritual and Their Art. In The Mfecane/Difaqane Aftermath: Reconstructive Debates in Southern African History, edited by Carolyn Hamilton, pp. 5170.