For this guide the author has selected from his own collection more than 620 full-colour photographs to illustrate the distinguishing features of 232 of the more commonly encountered species. These include shots of larvae, pupae and larval food-plants as well as of the adult butterflies, male and female. In the compilation of the text, the assistance of a number of experts has been sought. A map, giving the presumed distribution range of the particular butterfly in Southern Africa accompanies each species account and, where known, the larval food-plants are listed. English, Afrikaans and scientific names are provided. The guide also includes an extensive introductory section on butterfly anatomy, life history, strategies and nomenclature, as well as an ABC of butterfly collecting, captive breeding and the care of collections. There is a strong conservation message.
Painted Lady Butterfly growth stages are seen through the eyes of children in a primary classroom.
The Butterflies of Iguazú Falls, Argentina
Betty and Ken's New Home
'Butterfly in the Garden' is die-cut in the shape of butterfly wings and threaded onto a cloth strap attached to a soft toy butterfly body. The strap has velcro fastenings to mount the book to rails, bars, buggies or even a child's waist.
Genus Platylesches Holland Platylesches galesa ( Hewitson ) WHITE - TAIL HOPPER Platylesches Holland , 1896. Proc . zool . Soc . Lond . 1896 : 72 . Type species : Parnara picanini Holland , 1894 , by original designation .
Almost all children are fascinated by living things. This volume is designed to help them gain a greater appreciation of butterflies and moths.
Learn about the life cycle of the monarch butterfly.
The best butterfly nectar plants for the garden in this region include : shade tree : basswood ; small trees : apples , wild plums ; shrubs : New Jersey tea , buttonbush , mock oranges , garden lilacs , blueberries ( e ) , viburnums ...
Butterflies of Illinois: A Field Guide
Mariposas y polillas