... San Francisco: Taxonomy of the cerapachyine ant genera Simopone Forel, Vicinopone gen. n. and Tanipone gen. n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Life Science Weekly — Research findings on Zoology are ...
Taxonomy of the cerapachyine ant genera Simopone Forel, Vicinopone gen. n. and Tanipone gen. n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zootaxa 3283: 1–101. Boomsma JJ, Gawne R. 2018. Superorganismality and caste differentiation as points of no ...
Cryptopone subterranea sp. nov., a rare new cryptobiotic ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from India. Asian Myrmecology 5:1-4. ... A synoptic review of the ants of California (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zootaxa 936(1):1-68.
Winged Ants. The Queen. Dichotomous Key to Genera of Winged Ants in the World. The Wings of Ants: Morphological and...
This detailed guide is an essential tool for entomologists and myrmecologists working with and learning about this diverse population of Formicidae. “Ants of Africa and Madagascar is a seminal contribution to ant classification, opening ...
"In this enormously useful book, a profound need is met by a profound contribution, the first such comprehensive work in over fifty years. While brief, Ants of North America is the distillation of a vast amount of study and practice.
Mosaics and Other Anomalies Among Ants
Ant Ecology takes the reader on a journey of discovery from the beginnings of ants many hundreds of thousands of years ago, through to the makings of present day distributions.
Winged Ants. The Male. Dichotomous Key to Genera of Winged Male Ants in the World. Behavioral Ecology of Mating Flight
But what exactly is an island? The volume editors define it here as any discrete habitat isolated from other habitats by inhospitable surroundings.