Tiré du site Internet de Book Works: "" ... And of course in terms of making spaces that claim to be something they're not, I just like the idea of a book calling itself a magazine." Magazine by Mike Nelson is an intricate reconfiguration of a number of his acclaimed installations. Nelson has selected, edited and ordered a succession of detailed images encouraging the reader to move through different passages and states whilst negotiating recyclings of six of his previous shows. The book has no end point, no definitive reading but rather is a visual non-linear narrative which suggests an 'Interzone' - demonstrating a parallel experience which questions the purpose of Nelson's constructed spaces and examines what is really going on behind the scenes. Magazine can be experienced both as a memento and as a reading of Nelson's constructed spaces and represents a logical progression and use of the book form by the artist. We are invited to loose ourselves in a multiplicity of meaning as we continue reading - rediscovering, reinventing and redefining."
An illustrated history of the most influential and unique humor magazine in post-war America.
Jared Gardner. AMERICAN LITERATURE/COMMUNICATION HISTORY “The Rise and Fall of EarlyAmerican Magazine Culture ican Magazine Culture is an zine Culture zine Culture ambitious reimagining of magazine culture in the early national zine ...