Looks to establish management's awareness of intellectual capital, and the approaches to accounting for this that are presently in place.
are in the area of education and information technology, information systems, knowledge management, and semantic Web ... value creation dynamics by understanding, exploiting, measuring, and managing knowledge and intangible assets.
Previous conceptualizations have linked transformational leadership with various aspects of organizational ... The key objectives of this paper is to develop a transformational leadership-Knowledge management model which expands ...
Fincham, R. and Roslender, R. (2003), The Management of Intellectual Capital and its Implications for Business Reporting, Research Committee of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland, Edinburgh.
"This book highlights areas of concern in management of intellectual capital and demonstrates opportunities for the successful use of these tactics"--Provided by publisher.
Fincham, R. and Roslender, R. (2003), The management of intellectual capital and its implications for business reporting, Research committee of the insitute of chartered accountants of Scotland, Edinburgh. Gioia, D.A. and Chittipeddi, ...
This book is open access under a CC BY-NC 3.0 IGO license.
Academic Background: BA - Business Major - City University of New York, USA . ... behavioral dynamics of post-merger integration by applying the network paradigm to the socio-technical perspective of organizational behavior and change.
... Boards of Directors as Strategic Decision-Making Groups", Academy of Management Review, Vol 24, No. 3, pp 489505. ... alignment on board composition and board size in family businesses", Journal of Business Research, Vol 60, No.
... Logic in Geology. Academic Press (2003) 3. Kaufmann, A., Gil Aluja, J.: Introducción de la Teoría de los Subconjuntos Borrosos a la Gestión de las Empresas. ... Tanaka, K.: An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic for Practical Applications.
and used by the top management. The existence of these three roles (producer, ... These findings have both theoretical and practical significance. ... The management of intellectual capital and its implications for business reporting.