*Shortlisted for the 2020 North Somerset Children's Book Award* From the co-creator of the viral 'Tea Consent' video, this is the perfect introduction to consent for kids and families everywhere.
One mother described part of the complications of consenting to her one-week-old child’s high-risk heart surgery. ‘I can’t imagine her being any more precious to me than she is now.
The book looks at the need for appropriate pediatric expertise at all stages of the design, review, and conduct of a research project to effectively implement policies to protect children.
Ross considers whether the safeguards work, whether they are fair, and how they apply in actual research practice. She goes on to offer specific recommendations to modify current policies and guidelines.
This books gives guidance for doctors and other health professionals who are involved in providing health care for children and young people. The books sets out best practice guidance,...
Can We Talk About Consent? takes a fresh, frank, and stylish approach to the topic of relationships and respect, providing essential understanding for readers aged 14+.
This is the first book to offer a systematic philosophical examination of what might be meant by consent and what role it should play in the context of sexual activity.
Zero to Eighteen Years: Guidance for Doctors
Serving HIV-infected Children, Youth, and Their Families: A Guide for Residential Group Care Providers
In this book, medical ethicists Dominic Wilkinson and Julian Savulescu critically examine the ethical questions at the heart of disputes about medical treatment for children.