In this gripping third novel in the acclaimed series, Myron must confront a past that is dead and buried—and more dangerous than ever before. The home is top-notch New Jersey suburban. The living room is Martha Stewart.
... made our final arrangements . The final things I'll finalize myself later . But we talked about it and all you can say is that we hope we'll see each other later if it happens . Cancer is this prolonged torture , mental and physical ...
... continued “Are you ready to get going?” “Yes, definitely.” I wanted to get out of there and just go home and sit on the couch. I wanted to get away from the eyes staring at me and the birth of weird evolving guys. I knew he would 27 Fading ...
. . . Praise for Not Fade Away "This is a wise, funny, and intensely true book--a generous gift from an amazing guy to those of us who are so busy getting through life that we sometimes forget why we're living.
Fading Away: A Tale of Memories is the first step in the Fading Away series. It takes a far more serious and focused tone than SPW: The Story of Askiino Yorito.
Attempts to understand the impact of terminal illness on the entire family system and seeks to develop a theoretical framework that would guide the assessment of and services to such families.
Using advanced digital technology, the book brings the veterans and caregivers to life through video clips, audio segments, photographs, and pencil sketches.