An outline of the main forms of educational tourism, discussing their growth and resulting impacts and management issues from a holistic perspective. Using case studies, the author argues that without adequate research and management the potential impacts and benefits of educational tourism will not be maximized. The text highlights the need for collaboration between both the tourism and education industry to manage the growth and issues relevant within educational tourism adequately.
Managing Educational Tourism
Aspects of Tourism, 10: Managing Educational Tourism
On the other hand, make sure to find time for some activities that are not related to your field of study, so that you can ... Experience. Hospitality programs are industry-driven in that they seek to provide a specific industry with ...
... issues in the two developing countries were also discussed in terms of culture, diversity and development in tourism, which are influencing the practice of tourism and hospitality education. Empowered by institutional theory, ...
This book also advances the literature in the field of entrepreneurship education by broadening the discussion on the recent trends and ongoing challenges to include perspectives on creating the next generation of tourism and hospitality ...
Hospitality & Tourism Management Program (Htmp) Year 1 Student Softcover Textbook
This book is the first to systematically introduce China’s tourism education system and the various tourism education practices in China to the international audience and stakeholders.
Fully illustrated with case studies, this book introduces both the theory and practice of destination management and related professional and academic areas.
Education + Training, 41(4), 164–174. Munar, A. M. (2007). 'Is the Bologna Process Globalizing Tourism Education?' Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 6(2), 68–82. Murphy, M. E. (1952). 'Accounting in the ...
The book 'Education and training in tourism and hospitality' emphasizes on the need of the hospitality personnel getting proper education and training, so that the tourism sector becomes a sustainable one.