Bruce Sandison's Rivers and Lochs of Scotland is the only book on fishing in Scotland that an angler will ever need. This new, comprehensive and completely revised edition describes more than 5,000 freshwater fishing locations complete with access details, flies and tactics and where to obtain permission to fish. For anyone fishing in Scotland, this book is the angler's bible.
The Club also has fishing on 3 small hill lochs, unnamed on the OS Map, close to Whinhill Reservoir. Ronnie has tickets for other waters, including Port Glasgow waters, ... Flies & Tactics Easy bank fishing with trout being caught from ...
Excerpt from The Salmon Rivers and Lochs of Scotland In preparing a second edition of this book, I have endeavoured to embody an account of such altered conditions as have come into being since 1909, when the book first appeared.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
Flies & Tactics Easy bank fishing with trout being caught from all round the shoreline of both reservoirs. Offer them: Black Pennell, Grouse & Claret, Alexandra. Permission Ronnie Peterson, The Fishing Shop, 24 Union Street, Greenock, ...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
A detailed study of the natural history of Scotland's trout.
Now, armed with this unique book, both novice and experienced fly fisher alike will have a far greater understanding of fish behavior and successful fishing technique.
Loch flies, river flies, and salmon and sea trout flies are profiled in this beautifully illustrated guide.
Indispensable guide to the best fishing for wild browns and sea trout in the rivers, lochs, and island waters of Scotland. Includes how-to information on tactics, flies, and gear.
The writing of this book has afforded him pleasure in his leisure moments, and that pleasure would be much increased if he knew that the perusal of it would create any bond of sympathy between himself and the angling community in general.