Containing over 60 step by step projects all illustrated in colour, there are ideas in this guide for all occasions and all abilities.'
With clear, step-by-step instructions, taking you right through the skills oficking your flowers to pressing them correctly, you'll learn all there is toearn about this historic art.
... de las flores pierden su brillantez característica en el proceso de secado ; sólo las siemprevivas del tipo del helicriso y el acroclinium , las hojas preservadas y las brácteas presentan una superficie reflectante , brillante .
A guide to sophisticated flower arranging offers step-by-step projects from scratch, including growing, drying and preserving, arranging and displaying--using fresh and dried flowers, herbs and spices, fruit, seeds, and nuts in wreaths, ...
The Dried Flower Arranger's Year: A Complete Guide to Picking, Drying and Arranging Flowers Season by Season
The Dried Flower Arranger's Year: A Complete Guide to Picking, Drying and Arranging Flowers Season by Season
Arreglos Con Flores Secas
Dried Flowers: Drying & Arranging
This is the most practical and most beautiful book ever produced on the subject. It contains a complete guide to the techniques of drying and arranging flowers--and also gives advice on how to grow flowers in the garden for drying.
These simple guidelines explain how to make more than 75 wreaths from both fresh and dried flowers and foliage.
This book contains 30 step-by-step dried flower projects, both simple and flamboyant.