This work considers ways in which pupils can be encouraged to develop the necessary skills and strategies to learn more effectively. The current concern to raise achievement in all areas of the curriculum may leave modern language teachers feeling that they should be drawing yet more colourful flashcards, devising further sets of differentiated worksheets or creating a choice of even more imaginative creative outcomes. An alternative approach is to focus on enabling the pupils themselves to become more effective learners; for pupils to take more responsibility for their own progress.
This book is written primarily for faculty but will be equally useful for TAs, tutors, and learning center professionals. For readers with no background in education or cognitive psychology, the book avoids jargon and esoteric theory.
With insightful examples and illustrations, Teaching How to Learn will be used again and again by teachers looking to transform themselves into A+ educators and their students into lifelong learners. Book jacket.
Complicating matters, all of the approaches listed may vary by discipline as well (Davidson & Major, 2014; Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005). Despite the nomenclature associated with these various group methodologies and strategies, ...
This edition includes far-reaching suggestions for research that could increase the impact that classroom teaching has on actual learning.
After about the first month of second grade, Nathan's mother called Mr. Barnett. “Nathan is in trouble again.” Mr. Barnett asked what the problem was, and his mother said that he was not getting his work done.
Teaching Students to Learn: A Student-centred Approach
Biswas, G. Schwartz, D. Leelawong, K. & Vye, N. (2005). Learning by teaching: A new agent paradigm for educational software. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 19, 363–392. Blanch, S., Duran, D., Valdebenito, V. & Flores, M. (2013).
With engaging exercises and thought-provoking reflections, this book is an ideal motivational and practical text for study skills and first year experience courses.
Their recounting of personal teaching experiences lends strength and warmth to this volume. This book discusses how to build straightforward science experiments into true understanding of scientific principles.
Teaching children how to learn is a groundbreaking book offering Primary language teachers a new and practical methodology based on the importance, now universally recognized in curricula around the world, of teaching children how to learn.