Representatives of different countries tell participants at the Edinburgh meeting about their national approaches to Outdoor Education.
In Fieldwork : An expeditionary learning Outward Bound reader , vol . 1 , ed . E. Cousins and M. Rodgers . Dubuque , IA : Kendall / Hunt . MacDonald , R.H. 1993. ... London : Pearson . Berman , D. , and C. Teeters , eds . 2002.
Safe and Responsible Youth Expeditions
A Guide to Outdoor Experiential Learning
PROFESSIONAL'S PERSPECTIVE PETE ALLISON has worked in outdoor education for more than 20 years, mainly with young ... It followed that I started to see schools as bad places for learning and the outdoors as good places for learning .
Combining archival and publicly recorded information with personal stories from past and present OBA founders, staff and participants, the author compiles a fifty-year social history of the organisation.
The Expedition Experience as a Vehicle for Change in the Inner City
Self-reliance in the Outdoors: Junior High School Instructors Resource
Provides instructions for a variety of simple activities to explore the world outdoors, from looking at the stars to studying the behavior of worms