The words 'hasid' and 'hasidism' have become so familiar to people interested in the Jewish world that little thought is given to understanding exactly what hasidism is or considering its spiritual and social consequences. What, for example, are the distinguishing features of hasidism? What innovations does it embody? How did its founders see it? Why did it arouse opposition? What is the essential nature of hasidic thought? What is its spiritual essence? What does its literature consist of? What typifies its leadership? What is the secret of its persistence through the centuries? How have scholars explained its origins? Is hasidism an expression of mystical ideas, or a response to changing social circumstances? What is its connection to kabbalah? To Shabateanism? To messianism? What is its relationship to the traditional structures of authority in the Jewish world? This book aims to answer all these questions in a lucid and accessible manner.
Rachel Elior focuses on the fundamental positions and the factors of primary importance: the substantial issues that recur in the hasidic texts, including how hasidim have seen themselves over the centuries, how they have constructed a new spiritual and social ideal, and how that ideal has stood the test of reality. The goal is to present the main characteristics of the hasidic movement and to examine the social implications of its mystical ideas. The text is fully supported by references to the relevant hasidic sources and academic literature. The book concludes with a list of the hasidic texts on which the discussion is based and a comprehensive bibliography of scholarly works on kabbalah and hasidism.
sniN 'i ns naana bn nsbnaa ixasbx obis 'b bsaaxbx |N nsa^s aibaa 'd pao 'niVsi -taxVxi -ixaaxbaa [inn?1] xabsbx jarm1 hVk fnaba ... as in His statement, Let me sing of my well-beloved, a song of my beloved touching his vineyard, etc.
The papyri are in V. A. Tcherikover , A. Fuks , M. Stern , and D. M. Lewis , Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum ( 3 vols . ... and was part of the Cyrenean community in Jerusalem that is attested in the NT ( Acts 6 : 9 ; Mark 15:21 ) . 67.
35 32 The text was apparently known to Jacob ha - Kohen , the first known Kabbalist in Castile ( Soria ) , in his Commentary to ... of R. Zarfati on the Book Ma'arekhet ha - Elohuť , master's thesis , The Hebrew University , 1987 , p .
Some of these Jewish students took a course in biblical literature given by Edward Chauncey Baldwin , a noted Bible scholar and a practicing Christian . Astonished and grieved to discover that his Jewish students knew little ...
This text focuses on what it means to be Jewish in America and the different positions held within the Jewish community on past and present church-state issues - whether Orthodox Jews in the military should wear yarmulkes while in uniform - ...
concerning slavery that were used by Josephus , for his native language was Aramaic or Hebrew ( W 1. proem , 1 , 9 ) . ... August Pauly and Georg Wissowa ( Stuttgart , 1916 ) , 9 : 1963-69 , discusses all of Josephus ' literary sources ...
该派犹太人整日戴着“卡巴”(kippah,一种小圆片帽)或“亚姆路克”(yarmulke,无沿统制室内便帽),每日做三次祈祷,认真学习《妥拉》,强调科谢尔饮食法,严格遵守安息日禁止点火熄灯、乘公共汽车、抽烟、携带钱款、从事各种劳动的规定;每周六早上参加犹太教会堂的 ...
... 1913–14°, Middle Eastern Studies, April 1965. J.Marlowe, Rebellion in Palestine, London, 1946. M.Medzini, Esser Shanim Shel Mediniut Eretz Misraelit, Jerusalem, 1928. M.Orenstein, A Plea for Arab-Jewish Unity, London, 1946.
Bernstein report , 4 December 1942 ( YIVO : RG 245.4 , II - 26 ) , and Spanien and Bernstein , 20 October 1942 ( YIVO : RG 245.4 , XII , Portugal , B - 54 ) . 124. HICEM 1942 report ( YIVO : RG 245.4 , XII , France A - 33 , pp .
... threatens military intervention against Israel, 346; succeeded by Morrison, 459 Bezalal Art Academy, 586 Bialik, Chaim Nachman, ... Bomar Law, Andrew, 129 Borochov, Ber 11, 70–1, 75,76 Boscovitch, Alexander, 589 Boskiliah, Albert, ...