Every time you apply for a job, your resume is compared to hundreds of others. If yours isn't what the employer is looking for, it will only get a moment's attention. You need a resume that will greatly increase your chances of winning the interest of the recruiter and securing an interview. This book will show you how. Based on thorough research of what professional recruiters look for in a resume and how the recruitment industry operates, authors Jim Bright and Joanne Earl reveal the secrets of writing resumes that make the shortlist. The book contains: - Ground-breaking research findings on what influences recruitment professionals - Dozens of tips and strategies on preparing resumes, directly from recruiters themselves - Examples of resumes and covering letters that recruiters have said are excellent - True stories from the recruitment industry that illustrate how recruiters think. Don't risk throwing away another great job opportunity! Use advice from the experts to get the job you want.
Resumes That Get Shortlisted 10 Copy Pack
The Google Resume is the only book available on how to win a coveted spot at Google, Microsoft, Apple, or other top tech firms.
This book guides you through the preparation process to identify your most relevant skills and experiences for the position you are applying for. You're hired - the words that every job applicant wants to hear.
So get out and get some fresh air and sun. Laughter Smiling and laughter are important to our sense of wellbeing and, therefore, to our self-confidence. Remembering happy occasions can bring a smile to our faces and make us feel good.
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For those who have received a note saying they've been shortlisted for a job opening, this work offers job seekers the advice they need to feel more confident and prepared their forthcoming interview.
Ideal for anyone new to the job market or new to management, or anyone hoping to improve their work experience.”—Library Journal (starred review) “I am a huge fan of Alison Green’s Ask a Manager column. This book is even better.
The jobof astandout resume isto get you noticed and shortlisted foran interview. Your standout resumeneeds to convincethe recruiter or employer that you have whatittakes todo the job onoffer. The things that make employers look twice ...
The bottom line: Use a well-crafted Resume to increase your chances of getting a job. ... Shortlisting: The sole purpose of a resume is to get you a job interview and to pass the employer's screening and shortlisting process ...
Featuring resume samples with insider evaluations, worksheets, lists of competencies to emphasize, power words, self-evaluation exercises, tips on reading job postings and ads, and Internet resume advice, "Amazing Resumes" is written by a ...