E per lunga riposanza in luoghi oscuri e freddi , e con affreddare lo corpo de l'occhio con l'acqua chiara , riuni ' sì la vertù disgregata che tornai nel primo buono stato de la vista . ” The canzone to which Dante is referring is his ...
Investigative reporters indicated that Obama had only a casual relation with Bill Ayers, whereas Palin and her husband were involved in an Alaskan secessionist party whose right-wing and anti-Semitic founder had a long history of ...
Proper reading habits were ennobling in a double sense: they refined people's sensibility, which was inherently rewarding, and in doing so, enabled them to perceive the true worthlessness of the endless spectacles which captured other ...
Rethinking the Spectacle re-examines the tension between spectacle and political agency using the ideas and practices of Guy Debord and the Situationist International as a point of departure.
For practicing Optometrists and the Opticians, this book, A Handbook on Practical Approach to Troubleshooting and Solution in Spectacle Dispensing, will be helpful in day to day dispensing aspects from selecting the appropriate frame and ...