Do you ever feel like you need more time for YOU? Then this is your book - full of recipes for life, love and total wellbeing.with a dash of indulgence. This easy-to-follow guide to aromatherapy will invigorate and sensualise your busy daily life and help your mind and body thrive. Like Chocolate for Women provides you with all the knowledge you need to be able to use essential oils effectively and safely then takes you on an aromatic journey exploring the physical, mental and emotional journey exploring the physical, mental and emotional you. Luxurious treatments for your hair and face, how to beat stress and have a restful sleep advice to help you through pregnancy and labour, how to create romantic, intimate evening or a fun girls' night in, and practical tips for a healthy home and workplace are just some of the topics covered in this informative and inspirational guide. Kim Morrison is a qualified aromatherapist. She has represented a leading aromatherapy company in Australia, Singapore and New Zealand, presenting workshops and lectures for the last decade. Kim has her own practice which has been operating since 1991 and is also a sportswoman and Health and Fitness consultant. She lives in Auckland with her husband and two children. Fleur Whelligan is a qualified beauty therapist. She has worked as a therapist in Australia and has been a trainer and workshop presenter for a leading aromatherapy company since 1994. She also provides beauty therapy and grooming training for international cabin crew and other corporate clients. She lives in Auckland with her husband and two children.
Treat yourself to 77 true stories that celebrate life and capture the essence of what it means to be a woman. Like chocolate, these stories soothe, satisfy, and delight -- better yet, they're good for you!
The best-selling author of Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell offers a nutrition plan to help women create a sensible eating regimen that anticipates and incorporates cravings and fosters maximum mood management and minimal weight fluctuation.
And in this exceptionally delicious volume in the bestselling series, Kay Allenbaugh brings us 55 rich, satisfying stories of teen relationships written by teens of every age and by women who remember what it was like.
But what are the hidden histories behind this luxurious commodity? This book examines chocolate production from cocoa bean to chocolate box, illuminating the dynamics of gender, race and empire which have structured the cocoa chain.
INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER • Earthy, magical, and utterly charming, this tale of family life in turn-of-the-century Mexico blends poignant romance, bittersweet wit, and delicious recipes.
Like the finest chocolate, these inspiring tales will boost your spirits, lift your heart, and soothe your soul.
lined notebook for women and girls who like chocolate
When she reads John Gray’s advice to women to offer “quickies” if their husbands want sex and they are not in the mood, Joan realizes that this is the ultimate male trump card so she can never again say no to sex.
Here are stories of women who overcome adversity to start anew, and women who gracefully take on the inevitable changes that each stage of life brings.
. . Stolen Pleasure Whether confections taken from a locked shop or kisses in the dark, is there anything sweeter? Praise for The Chocolate Thief “A delectable summer bonbon . . .