Ken Sibly is the co-author of 4WD South Island: 107 Off Road Adventures and 4WD South Island: 93 Off Road Adventures. Both these books contain introductory sections offering practical advice on how to get the best out of your vehicle and how to stay out of trouble. In response to popular demand, Ken, who is now a full-time 4WD trainer, has expanded these sections into a full-length book providing expert answers to every question asked and every problem posed during the 30 years he has spent as a 4WD enthusiast and adviser. Beginning with such basic matters as getting to know your vehicle, the text covers all aspects of four-wheel-driving, including getting the most from your 4WD, learning how to drive in adverse conditions, how to recover your own and other vehicles, how to prepare for a solo or group expedition, how to treat the environment and how to get in touch with other like-minded enthusiasts. The book is specially written for New Zealand conditions and contains dozens of diagrams, cartoons and explanatory photographs. By purchasing this book 4WD enthusiasts will keep out of trouble - and save money.
The book's easy to follow and comprehensive route directions will keep readers on the right track from start to finish.
... 2002 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS to all the ' wheelers who drove in front Haines and Chris Overacker , for of my hungry camera , only to be helping to set up and endure the gobbled up by the celluloid for all seemingly endless photo sessions .
The best-selling 4WD bible, now in a fully revised and updated edition. This book explains how 4WDs work and how to drive them offroad. It covers detailed explanantions of 4WD systems, suspension, wheels, tyres, weights and more.
Author Trenton McGee, 4x4 suspension expert and host of Outdoor Channels Off-Road Adventures, explains 4x4 suspension systems in an easy-to-understand manner.
With a rugged cover and spiral binding, the guide is small enough to pop into the glovebox of any 4WD vehicle, but comprehensive enough to cover all the essentials about 4WD driving, including 4WD systems, suspension, wheels and tyres.
TABLE 18 Frequency and percent rollover of fatal, single-vehicle crashes by vehicle platform/subclass—FARS data TABLE 19 Percent rollover by vehicle type and object struck—FARS. rollover involvement. Also, the FARS light truck ...
This book shows that, despite the slippery brochures that major on styling, bling, ipods and and audio wattage, nothing is so complicated it can't be explained clearly and logically.
With a rugged cover and spiral binding, the guide is small enough to pop into the glovebox of any 4WD vehicle, but comprehensive enough to cover all the essentials about 4WD driving, including 4WD systems, suspension, wheels and tyres.
Make Trax 4WD New South Wales
In this second edition of the bestselling 4WD Handbook, four-wheel drive expert and author Robert Pepper provides an in-depth explanation of how 4WDs work.