Other common forms include the Alexander Technique , the Feldenkrais Method , the Trager approach , Rolfing , and deep tissue massage . The idea behind bodywork is that people learn ( or are forced into by injury or stress ) unnatural ...
Re-engagement in later life
Quinn , M.J. & Tomita , S.K. ( 1986 ) . Elder Abuse and Neglect : Causes , Diagnoses and Intervention Strategies . Springer : New York . Ramsey - Klawsnik , H. ( 1991 ) . “ Elder sexual abuse : Preliminary findings .
... central Alberta ( Red Deer ) , central Ontario ( Don Mills ) , eastern Ontario ( Ottawa ) , Edmonton and northern Alberta ( Edmonton ) , greater Ontario ( Toronto ) , Lethbridge ( Lethbridge ) , Manitoba ( Winnipeg ) , New Brunswick ...
The current era is characterized by both unprecedented numbers and percentages of older adults in the United States and throughout the world, as well as glaring inequities in health and other resources among segments of the older adult ...
Helping the Aged: A Field Experiment in Social Work
Better Services for Older People: The Report of a Practice Exchange Project to Identify how Research Findings Can Inform Good...
Informal Non-kin Support for Older People: A Literature Review
Ltd. Pearson Education North Asia, Ltd. Pearson Education Canada, Ltd. Pearson Educatión de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Pearson Education—Japan Pearson Education Malaysia, Pte. Ltd. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Walker, ...
Testing Consumer Views on Paying for Long-term Care
This title introduces students to a number of topics on social policy and aging by discussing United States policies alongside examples of those enacted by selected countries around the world.