Comprehensive photographic guide for the visual identification of corals, marine plants and marine life.
Выбор и воспитание котенка – ответственное мероприятие, ведь будущий питомец будет жить рядом с вами долгие годы. Очень важно еще ...
毛小孩說不出口的心事,現在你都能懂! 以溝通取代調教,以理解拉近距離 全台寵物及野生動物集氣發念力, 呼喚寵物爸媽、獸醫師、愛護動物人士快來讀的書! ...
寵物通心術:62個通心術練習大公開: Learning Their Language: Intuitive Communication with Animals and Nature
富爾頓, 凱瑟琳.普拉莎, 雀瑞兒.史瓦茲. 方法:療程前,先徵求鳥兒同意。讓鳥兒靠近你,而非以其他方式進行。密切注意牠的身體語言,觀察牠是否對接受靈氣能量保持開放。若接受,牠會投入,最後就會放鬆。隔段距離進行療程:可以坐或站在籠子或棲息處, ...
A remarkable cat. A special gift. A life-changing journey.They thought he was just a cat.When Oscar arrived at the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Rhode Island he was...
Sally Blanchard's Companion Parrot Handbook: Using Nurturing Guidance to Create the Best Companion Parrot Possible : Aka, the Happy Bappy...
Food Pets Die for: Shocking Facts about Pet Food
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Gastroenterology
It is always a pleasure to avoid responsibility and it gives me a feeling of relief to be able to announce that I am not wholly responsible for this collection....
From a psychologist with twenty years of experience as a pet bereavement specialist, comes the first title to offer cognitive tools and exercises for validating and supporting the particular grief...