With the advent of genetic testing there has been a revival in marine taxonomy. The 25th Anniversary 4th Edition reflects the many recent changes including 89 new fish species and more than 200 additional photographs. The field guide now includes 683 species documented in more than 1000 underwater photographs, representing a significant update to the 2002 3rd edition. The most comprehensive and beautiful visual ID reference published for the region features an easy-to-use quick reference format. Reef Fish Identification Florida Caribbean Bahamas first appeared in 1989 and has since revolutionized fishwatching. The first edition had 288 pages and 345 color photographs. The success of our first publication launched a series of marine life identification books for the Galapagos Islands, the West Coast of the United States, the Gulf of California to Panama and the Tropical Pacific.
The diversity, quantity and vitality of fish life in the seas that bathe the Galapagos archipelago is every bit as dramatic as the exotic wildlife above! Completely updated with many...
Comprehensive photographic guide for the visual identification of corals, marine plants and marine life.
A comprehensive field guide to the reef fishes of the Caribbean, Bahamas, and South Florida.
3 books in slipcase.
Hawaiian Reef Fish: The Identification Book
Covering some 400 species, the authors (former co-editors of Ocean Realm magazine and co-founders of the Reef Environmental Education Foundation) present a guide that is designed to aid divers in...
Since the publication of the first edition, notable advances in science have lead to greater understanding of reef fish behavior.
First published in 1992, this guide has been significantly expanded in a new 3rd edition.
Reef Fish Identification (French Edition): Florida Caribbean Bahamas
This book has been relied on for almost two decades to identify the weird and wonderful crabs, lobsters, shrimps, jellies, sponges, tunicates and mollusks that inhabit the reefs! Our 2nd...