Fighting Radiation & Chemical Pollutants with Foods, Herbs & Vitamins: Documented Natural Remedies that Boost Your Immunity & Detoxify

Fighting Radiation & Chemical Pollutants with Foods, Herbs & Vitamins: Documented Natural Remedies that Boost Your Immunity & Detoxify
Medical / Immunology
Vitality, Ink
Steven R. Schechter


FIGHTING RADIATION & CHEMICAL POLLUTANTS WITH FOODS, HERBS & VITAMINS - DOCUMENTED NATURAL REMEDIES THAT BOOST YOUR IMMUNITY & DETOXIFY is already listed nationally as a best-seller in the catalogs of the largest distributors of health & self-help books. This book empowers you with safe & effective programs for self-help. You will find "easy to read & use" information about natural remedies documented to: *Boost Immunity, *Detoxify from Chemical Pollutants, Radiation, X-Rays, Tobacco, Drugs & Alcohol, *Generate Maximum Vitality, Health & Longevity, *Prevent or Treat Diseases. In chapters 8 & 9, Dr. Schechter integrates the above information into practical & optimal prevention & treatment programs. Chapters 2-7 contain information about boosting immunity & counteracting specific toxins. He has developed several original charts, such as in chapter 2 for chemical pollutants & drugs, chapter 8 for supplement dosages, & Appendix I for optimal nutrient combining & common depleting factors. This book contains over 600 primary references to scientific studies--which enhance its credibility & reliability. Tasty recipes, a resource section, & other useful appendices are also included. The conclusion encompasses, yet goes beyond, self-help treatment of individual health problems. The conclusion offers holistic suggestions for gentle ways to bring about changes in societal attitudes & processes which have perpetrated the pollution of our macro-immune system: our environment. You can order this book direct from the publisher: Vitality, Ink, P.O. Box 294, Encinitas, CA 92024, 800-473-VITL (8485); or, through distributors of health books such as Nutri-Books 800-525-9030, New Leaf 800-326-2665, or Atrium 800-275-2606.

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