This report summarizes trends identified in 25 years of the Cooperative Institutional Research Program's annual surveys of college freshmen. It documents an array of demographic, attitudinal, and social changes involving students entering the nation's colleges since the survey's inception in 1966. Major findings from this report point to significant changes in students' academic skills, self-image, and personal goals, as well as in their preferences for college majors and careers. Presented are separate normative data summaries for men, women, and all freshmen. Among the trends in recent years are increases in the areas of student altruism, support for school integration through busing, and interest in promoting racial understanding. In addition, there is evidence of increasing student support for the environment and abortion rights. The most dramatic changes that are revealed by the data concern the effects of the Women's Movement and the changing role of women in American society. Tables comprise nearly half the report. Appendices present research methodology, a list of colleges and universities participating in the surveys, the precision of the normative data and their comparisons, and the aggregation of major and career responses. Contains 21 references. (GLR)
For a full discussion of this and related issues , see Nancy Frazier and Myra Sadker , Sexism in School and Society , New York , Harper & Row , 1973 . junior high school student ( Mary Beth Tinker ) did 18 The civil rights of students.
Fried, J., 64, 66, 71, 72 Fullan, M., 40, 41 Gardner, J. N., 64, 72 Gardner, M. M., 41 Good to Great (Collins), 70 Goodstein, J., 31–33 Goodstein, L., 30, 32, 33 Gray, J., 64 Greater Expectations: A New Vision for Learning as a Nation ...
刘华就是这其中的一员,喜欢上网的他把自己大部分课余时间都耗费在网络游戏上,甚至逃课上网。当同学们在上课、复习、参加校园活动的时候,他却在上网。在他看来,好不容易摆脱了家长和老师的束缚,需要好好放松一下,尽情享受一下生活,况且现在刚刚大一, ...
这 8 大学是:玛丽学、迈阿牛津大学、大学、北罗来纳大学教堂分、得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分、大学、吉尼亚大学、加利尼亚大学(指整个加利尼亚大学统)。 2001 年,华和马·格林(Howard and Matthew Greene)著了《常:美国大学的舰》(The Public Ivies: America's ...
Aims to make visible the everyday, seemingly inconsequential ways in which classrooms become sites for the reinforcement of heteronormative ideologies and practices that inhibit student learning and student-teacher interactions; and...
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This useful guide for high school or college students diagnosed with attention deficit disorder or learning disabilities will provide the information they need to survive and thrive in the college...
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