... 89, 92, 149–153, 180, 351 Wegener, W. Fred, 352 Weisburd, David L., 19 Welch, Rachel, 389–390 Wells, Alice Stebbins, ... 89–92, 147–148, 311 Wounded Knee (1973), 121, 255, 321 Wright, Eric O., 38 Wright, Richard, 20–21, 26 Wyland, ...
Multiple perspectives of the role of police -- A historical analysis of municipal policing in the United States -- Underpolicing -- Overpolicing -- Police-community relations programs -- From slavery to...
Strategies for Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society Robert M. Shusta, Deena R. Levine, Philip R. Harris ... in Gerald D. Jaynes and Robin M. Williams , eds . , A Common Destiny : Blacks and American Society , Washington , DC : The National ...
In this case study of police racism and police reform in Australia, the author provides a critical assessment of police initiative in response to the problem of police/minorities relations.
McMillan and Chavis ( 1986 ) have described five aspects of community membershipa sense of belonging , boundaries , emotional safety , personal investment , and a common symbol system . Community membership gives one a feeling of ...
This text focuses on the cross-cultural contact that police officers and civilian employees have with citizens, victims, suspects and co-workers from diverse backgrounds.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
B. R. Price, “A History of Women in Policing” (National Center for Women in Policing, 1996), available from ... S. E. Martin and N. C. Jurik, Doing Justice, Doing Gender: Women in Legal and Criminal Justice Occupations, 2nd ed.
The Police Chief, 78, 44–56; Hennessy, S. M. (1993, August). Achieving cultural competence. Police Chief, 60, 46–54; Scott, E. L. (1993). Cultural awareness training. Police Chief, 60, 26–28. 71. Baptiste (2015) 72.
Smith and Ross, “Native Women and State Violence,” 2. Albert L. Hurtado, Indian Survival on the California Frontier (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1988), 170,181. Smith, Conquest, 25. Hurtado, Indian Survival, 170, 181.