An object-oriented reference guide which covers commands, properties, events, methods, statements and objects in the Visual Basic language. It includes a disk which contains all example projects, code resources, bit maps and complete applications developed in the book.
探索Visual Basic 6指南: 進階篇
Abrir / Guardar como , cuadro de diálogo , 497 Access 2000 , 649 , 698 Access 97 , 649 Active Connection , propiedad , 702 ... control , 312 Ciclo de desarrollo de aplicaciones , 4 de manejo de archivos , 21 de selección , 20 813 Índice.
In a tutorial style, the author goes through the steps of application development, including planning the interface of an application and using Windows tools to select forms and controls, event-driven programming, how to use ready-made ...
The perfect introduction to creating Windows interfaces with Visual Basic.
This practical, professional title is targeted at developers who want to use the UML (Unified Modeling Language) with Visual Basic 6.0.
Instead of providing "tips and tricks", this book lays out a framework for development in VB 4.0 with an emphasis on architecture design and approach. The disk provides applications developed in the book and a useful template.
This book presents fundamental topics concerning computers and programming while showing users the correct way to design an write programs.