Our Little Black Book of Shopping Secrets
After attending university in Dublin, she returned to England, and now lives in a house that dates back to the 15th century in a small village in rural Kent. The Black Book of Secrets is her first novel.
We couldn’t believe it either.” Kym Douglas, host of the Lifetime makeover show Queen and the image consultant on The View, and celebrity journalist Cindy Pearlman had always wanted to know how the A-list stars looked so, well, A-list.
It took me over a decade to figure it out, and now I'm ready to share everything that I've learned. This is exactly the book that I wish I'd had when I was first learning how to trade.
All in one Resource for Internet marketers: This is the only book where internet marketers in myriad fields and industries can acquire access to an itemized and categorized listing of tools to fuel online business.
'Little Black Book is THE book of the year for working women with drive' Refinery 29 The essential career handbook for creative working women.
As this mysterious tale unfolds with delicious creepiness, Pin will learn more about the bone magician, the girl Juno, and a hideous creature called the Gluttonous Beast that is kept in a local tavern where people pay for a glimpse.
' Helen McCabe, Digital Content Director, Nine 'Roxy never fails to deliver and this book is an easy, interesting read that people in a lot of professions (not just PR) could learn something from.
Uncovering tantalizing trivia from between the sheets through the ages and around the globe, this penetrating look at passion embraces everything from naughty tips and sexual oddities to potent positions and celebrity sex.
Make your way around the beautiful Capital City-with its monuments and government buildings, its cherry blossoms and parks-with this indispensable pocket guide.