"The Journal goes through the Curriculum chapter by chapter, asking you to relate what you learn to your own situation. Icons ... and margin notes guide you ... The Journal can serve as the basis of discussion at staff meetings or family child care association meetings, in courses, or one-on-one dialogues with colleagues or a mentor."--Page 1.
Drawing from the core idea that infant and toddler care should be based on building relationships, this trainer's guide is intended for program directors, staff, and instructors who are using "The Creative Curriculum for Infants & Toddlers.
Resources in Education
The Creative Curriculum comes alive!
Evaluating Developmental Milestones and Outcomes Angela Stone-MacDonald, Lianna Pizzo, Noah Feldman. examples of FOI-A feedback for the BDI-2 ... Assessing Spanish-English bilingual preschoolers: A guide to best approaches and measures.
The recommendations of this book provide an opportunity to improve the quality of the care and the education that children receive, and ultimately improve outcomes for children.
Before the ABCs: Promoting school readiness in infants and toddlers. Washington, DC: Zero To Three. Petersen, S.J., & Wittmer, D. S. (2009). Endless opportunities for infant and toddler curriculum: A relationship-based approach.
Teaching students with learning problems in the inclusive classroom. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Gargiulo, R. (1990). Child abuse and neglect: An overview. In R. Goldman & R. Gargiulo (Eds.), Children at risk (pp. 1–36).
Jerome Singer, and Dr. Dorothy Singer on a project that used video-based training to enhance school-readiness skills. In this study, families were given kits with videos and materials to use. Kits were designed around a theme and ...
perspectives on early childhood care and education educational/curricular theoretical 83–86 Pestalozzi, ... within ECCE 79 educational 87–90 facilitate‐play approach 90,91 87–92 foundational concepts 79–81, 271–272 free 80, ...
Indeed, the differences between children in fluency scores are greatest during initial learning in grades 1–3. ... scores display greater growth during the school year in early grades, about 30–40 wcpm compared to 18–23 in grades 6–8.