The best CS review book out there. Don't waste your time with anything else.” “Reading this book the first time gave a feeling of having passed the exam before taking it.
Ambulatory Care Clinical Skills Program: Asthma Management Module
Clinical Skills Program: Advancing Pharmaceutical Care : Module 2, Building a Pharmacists's Patient Data Base
Organized by the Athletic Training Education Competencies, Fifth Edition and the associated content areas, this Third Edition allows for easier integration into the classroom, laboratory activities, and clinical assessment.
Ambulatory Care Clinical Skills Program: Practice Management Module
This three-volume series is the only concepts curriculum developed from the ground up as a cohesive, comprehensive learning system.
Teaches pharmacists and pharmacy students the problem-solving skills needed to practice pharmaceutical care in ambulatory care settings.
Successful completion of the skills component is mandatory for accreditation. The text is used as a handbook, a set of checklists and as an assessment portfolio, in conjunction with a Foundations of Nursing text.
Ambulatory Care Clinical Skills Program: Dyslipidemia Management Module
This 155-page book contains more than 50 guidelines organised into nine sections which are listed under the contents.