Stata Release 10: Survival Analysis and Epidemiological Tables
This book serves not only as a tutorial for those wishing to learn survival analysis but as a ... reference for experienced researchers ..."--Book jacket.
This volume of the Biostatistics and Health Sciences Set focuses on statistics applied to clinical research.
Through real-world case studies, this book shows how to use Stata to estimate a class of flexible parametric survival models.
This book is an accessible, practical and comprehensive guide for researchers from multiple disciplines including biomedical, epidemiology, engineering and the social sciences.
"This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Stata with an emphasis on data management, linear regression, logistic modeling, and using programs to automate repetitive tasks.
Manuals. and. other. good. books. A.1. Stata. manuals. The complete set of manuals comprises 17 volumes, but most users can make do with less. ... [ST] Survival Analysis and Epidemiological Tables Reference Manual.
Rothman,K.J. and Greenland,S. (1998). Modern Epidemiology.3rd edition. LippincottRaven., Philadelphia, PA. Royston, P(2001). Flexible parametric alternatives to the Coxmodeland more. TheStata Journal, 1(1 ): 1–28. Royston, P.(2004).
A "user-friendly" layout includes numerous illustrations and exercises and the book is written in such a way so as to enable readers learn directly without the assistance of a classroom instructor.
Grambsch, P., & Therneau, T. 1994. Proportional hazards tests and diagnostics based on ... London: Chapman & Hall. Hand, D. J., Daly, F., Lunn, A. D., McConway, ... Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC. Hardin, J., & Hilbe, J. 2006.