Selections of sermons by Safr ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ḥawālī, Salmān ibn Fahd al-ʻAwdah, and ʻĀʼiḍ al-Quranī, in Arabic and English.
Here, Colin P. Mitchell examines how the Safavid state introduced and moulded a unique and vibrant political discourse, reflecting the social and religious heterogeneity of sixteenth-century Iran.
“Introduction: The Rhetoric of War and Reconciliation.” Roads to Reconciliation: Conflict and Dialogue in the Twenty-First Century. Ed. A.B. Brown and K.M. Poremski. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2005. 3–13. Print. Booth, Wayne.
Through linguistic analysis of Islamist rhetoric, this book sheds light upon attitudes towards other Muslims, religious authority and secular society.
This book provides a new key to both the Qur'an and Islamic intellectual history.
It is well documented that western rhetoric's journey from pagan Athens to the medieval academies of Christian Europe was significantly influenced by the intellectual thought of the Muslim Near East.
Exploring the subjectivity of the Qurʾān’s meaning in the world, this book analyses Qurʾānic referencing in Muslim political rhetoric.
In Arabic Oration: Art and Function, Tahera Qutbuddin presents a comprehensive theory of this foundational prose genre, analysing its oral aesthetics and its political, military, and religious functions in early Islamic civilization, ...
Religion, Rhetoric, And Righteousness Kenneth L. Vaux. might ask if the ancient Greek convention ... Now there is no adversary on the ground or in the air, and good aim and luck no longer matter. The Star Wars fantasy of bullets hitting ...
At court, he received support to write a body of rhetorical commentaries extending the work of his Arabic-Muslim predecessors, a critical step in fostering Aristotle’s influence on European scholasticism and Western education.
Analyzing the Arabic translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric and situating it in its historical and intellectual context, this book offers a fresh interpretation of the early Greek-Arabic translation movement and its impact in Islamic culture ...