The era of chemical and biological megadeath is upon us, and the potential of deadly biowarfare attacks from governments, militant independent groups, and even individuals is far greater than it has been at any time in the past. At this time, more than twenty-five countries are developing, or have stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, in many cases in sufficient quantities to wipe out the entire population of the world. So far the danger of chemical and biological aggression has been little acknowledged, and, at least in America, little prepared for by federal and local government. Most terrorist threats and attacks are not widely reported in the mainstream media. Although information about the proliferation of man-made diseases is carefully suppressed by governments and the media they will be covered in the pages of this book. Not only is America unprepared and ignorant of what is happening, but the people in government and scientific professions who do know, who should be warning the American public about the dangers of chemical and biological terrorism, are instead doing their utmost to hide this information from us; information that is vital for our survival.The information that is contained in the pages of this book will not be measured or calculated to reassure people that everything is fine, when reassurance is the exact opposite of what is needed at this time. It may even give you nightmares when you realise the real circumstance that we are in. The information in the pages that follow will be the truth about the biowarfare threat to America.
Discusses the danger of an attack on the United States by the Soviet Union, a communist ally, or a terrorist group using chemical and biological weapons
Contains primary source material.
This book outlines how and why the United States government initiated, sustained and then dramatically expanded an illegal biological arms buildup.
2020. Edition. Bioterrorism: The History of a Crisis in American Society (Volumes 1 and 2) contains a wide range of studies, documents, and reports by science leaders, legal professionals, scholars, and public health experts.
... Scotta Callister, James Long, and Leslie L. Zaitz in the Oregonian, Dec. 30, 1985; Frances FitzGerald, “A Reporter at Large: Rajneeshpuram—I,” and “Rajneeshpuram—II,” NewYorker, Sept. 22, 1986 and Sept. 29, 1986; Frances FitzGerald, ...
Through informative text, full-color photos, and fact boxes, this book details US Army training against bioweapons, the future of biosecurity, and the prevention of bioweapon proliferation in the global community.
22 Stephen Endicott and Edward Hagerman, The United States and Biological Warfare: Secrets from the Early Cold War and Korea (Bloomington: Indiana University Press: 1998): pp. 40, 48. 23 Quoted in Stephen Endicott and Edward Hagerman, ...
At the same time, Baker tells the stories of the heroic journalists and lawyers who have devoted their energies to wresting documentary evidence from government repositories, and he shares anecdotes from his daily life in Maine feeding his ...
This publication gives a history of biological warfare (BW) from the prehistoric period through the present, with a section on the future of BW. The publication relies on works by historians who used primary sources dealing with BW. In ...
The disturbing story of the Soviet biological warfare program is told by the man who ran it, with details of the biowarfare programs in Cuba and India and information on the anthrax outbreak in Sverdlovsk. Reprint.