In an increasingly global, technology-driven marketplace, a key organizational challenge is the development of leaders from the newest generation of managers. This publication provides an introduction to the current thinking about and the relevant research into developing, working with, and retaining emerging leaders. Its goal is to help organizations understand the leadership development needs of emerging leaders, what learning styles they tend to use, what challenges they face in defining and shaping their careers, and what leadership challenges lie in working across generations.
This book, grounded in empirical investigations and philosophical insights into the study of leadership, is designed to help emerging leaders bridge the gap between 'new leader' and confident, respected difference maker.
This book brings together the stories and ideas of the future from a survey of nearly 300 emerging leaders to get their points of view and thoughts about how organizations need to change in order to develop effective leaders of tomorrow.
The book offers concrete suggestions for: Becoming an authentic leader, equipped to lead inclusively with moral clarity through challenges and crises Cultivating regular introspection to ground yourself with self-awareness, live your values ...
... PricewaterhouseCoopers, Accenture, Corning Inc., World Kitchen, Business for Social Responsibility, TIAA-CREF, ... Relationships (AMACOM, 2000) as well as the book Relationships That Enable Enterprise Change (JosseyBass, 2002).
140 SIMPLE MESSAGES TO GUIDE EMERGING LEADERS: 140 Actionable Leadership Messages for Emerging ... Leaders and Leaders in Transition
Named one of the 40 most admired business leaders under age 40, David Lewiss personal story demonstrates what is possible by learning and applying the lessons that will shape personal lives and careers in The Emerging Leader.
Now "Sal Silvester's" timely book, "Ignite!" competently fills this void. In this how-to business book, Sal, a veteran of corporate potential maximization, shows the path to igniting the potential of new leaders.
Rob is the author of Stealth Coaching, and Management and Leadership Skills for Medical Faculty and Healthcare Executives (Springer. 2nd edition, 2020); the latter has been recog- nized by the United Nations for helping achieve their ...
This actionable leadership journal contains 140 Twitter-length messages written as a guide for emerging leaders on living, learning, and developing themselves and others on their journey to success.
The radical reformission: Reaching out without selling out. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. Driscoll, M. (2006). Confessions of a reformission rev.: Hard lessons from an emerging missional church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.